
Showing posts from 2017

Ranking the 22 Pokemon Starters

So in honor of Pokemon Gold and Silver being released on the virtual console for the 3DS, I thought it might be a cool idea to take a look back and see how good all the starters were when compared to each other. Now I know I did a best starter of each generation blog before, but that was just comparing the 3 starters of each Generation to each other....this compares each starter to ALL starters of ALL generations. Now a couple of quick notes: I'm only comparing the starters from the version in which they are actually starters. Meaning for example I dont care how well Emboar does or doesnt do in Sun and Moon....cause hes not a starter in that game, I only care about how he does in Black and White...where he is actually a starter choice. Now for the Kanto, Johto and Hoenn Starters, that means I have to look at them twice...once from their original game, and once from the remake...and their placement on the list is a composite of both of those, but I will make note inside each summary...

I know who the Night King is. (Game of Thrones prediction)

The night king is a bit of an oddity on Game of Thrones. The point of much of the show is that there is no absolute good or evil, and all whove committed evil can be redeemed....but he seems pure evil. And his identity is still totally hidden in shadows...........until today. You see, I think I know who he is: He's the brother (or son/father)of Brandon Stark. Not the crippled one who's currently calling himself the 3 eyed raven. No the original Brandon Stark....Brandon the Builder, the founder of House Stark. Consider the following facts if you will: 1) We already know the Night King was transformed to his current state by the magic of the Children of the Forrest, before that he was a First Man. We also know the Northmen are the decedents of the First Men (unlike the rest of Westeros who are descended from the Andals). Meaning the Starks are all First Men, so a blood relationship is possible. 2) Brandon the Builder got his name, from among other things, building the Wall.  The ...

Who will sit on the Iron Throne?

10 episodes left before the series ends seems like the perfect time to start guessing who exactly is going to sit in the iron throne, especially as the show has started finally to bring all its principals together and wrap up story arcs. Now while there are some lead characters (Theon, Littlefinger) and a ton of secondary characters who arnt members of one of the 3 major houses, its a safe assumption none of them will be on the Iron Throne. So for the sake of this article we are looking only at the 8 living members of the 3 major houses, Stark, Lannister and Targaryen, and guessing not just their chances of sitting on the iron throne, but reaching the end of the last episode alive. And we are going to rank them on a 0-10 scale from least likely to be alive/be king, starting with the character with the lowest chances in my opinion 8) Bran Stark House: Stark Chances of survival: 0/10 Sits on the Iron Throne: 0/10 Bran Stark is dead.....the rest of the world (outside of ...

Top 40 Video games Part 5: Diamond Tier (8-1)

And here we have it folks, at long long last, the TOP 8 VIDEO GAMES OF ALL FREAKING TIME! At least according to me.....but I have fantastic taste :P For those of you whove been following along this whole time expect to see some "holes" get filled and expectations met, as Bioware finally gets on the list....and dominates it, and Nintendo's most famous franchise gets a mention.  And if you have read the 4 earlier parts, you might have a couple of ideas of what else is hear based on what I promised earlier would turn up . With that out of the way HERE WE GO 8) Lego Marvel Superheroes (2013) PC I'll be entirely honest, the Lego franchise hasnt really benefited from voice acting, in fact I'd say a lot of the signature humor of the series is gone......which is why they started doing more original stories, as without direct source material they arnt basically flat versions of the source material. And no original lego game represents the heights they can get to ...