Episode 8: The GRAY Jedi?
I assume if your reading this, you've seen the Trailer for Star Wars VIII, the Last Jedi, and you've heard the words of Luke Skywalker “I only know one truth…it’s time for the Jedi to end.” Which also means you probably have the same question as hundreds of other people....what the fuck does that mean? Now alot of people seem to think this means either Luke went to the dark side, or just gives zero fucks about the galaxy.....but I think theres a third option. Luke Skywalker is, what the original extended universe would have called a "Gray Jedi" Ok so, for those who never followed any of the cannon outside of the movies, you've only heard of the Jedi and the Sith.,,,,the two polar opposite sides of force users. So what the hell is a Gray Jedi. Well think of it this way. In the Dungeons and Dragons game, they used to have an alignment system that looked something like this: The idea was that everyone's personality, beliefs and actions could...