
Showing posts from May, 2017

Ranking the WWE championships by Prestige 2017

So if you watch wrestling you know the "main goal" of the wrestlers is to win championships...and they are all supposed to mean something. Now granted some mean more than others (IE the world title is more important than the midcard titles), and we know theres a "order of prestige" WWE would like you to put the belts in. But we also know wrestling matches are real competition and they are all part of a show. And therefore the championships are basically props to help advance characters and as legitimate "awards" for "a job well done" for the wrestlers who put on a good enough show to earn them. And for many of the wrestlers, winning any title might be seen as as much a reward as any other (with the possible exceptions of the world title). But part of that "reward" is fan perception...the titles only matter as much as the fans think they do.  So in some respects it is the fans who are the ultimate arbiters of which titles are the most an...