
Showing posts from July, 2017

Top 40 Video games Part 5: Diamond Tier (8-1)

And here we have it folks, at long long last, the TOP 8 VIDEO GAMES OF ALL FREAKING TIME! At least according to me.....but I have fantastic taste :P For those of you whove been following along this whole time expect to see some "holes" get filled and expectations met, as Bioware finally gets on the list....and dominates it, and Nintendo's most famous franchise gets a mention.  And if you have read the 4 earlier parts, you might have a couple of ideas of what else is hear based on what I promised earlier would turn up . With that out of the way HERE WE GO 8) Lego Marvel Superheroes (2013) PC I'll be entirely honest, the Lego franchise hasnt really benefited from voice acting, in fact I'd say a lot of the signature humor of the series is gone......which is why they started doing more original stories, as without direct source material they arnt basically flat versions of the source material. And no original lego game represents the heights they can get to ...

Top 40 Video games Part 4: Platinum Tier (16-9)

It's been a long road to get here...but here we go, the Sweet 16 tier of best video games of all times ( part 1 , part 2 and part 3 , for all you late arrivals) 16) Uncharted 4 (2016) PS4. So remember in the previous entry when I said that Uncharted was basically male tomb raider, in that they ripped off that idea and did some things better? And then Tomb Raider ripped them off on their reboot and thats why they got higher placement than Uncharted 2? Well.....the cycle continued as in my opinion Uncharted 4 took a lot of the stuff Tomb Raider improved on from them (mostly the slightly smoother climbing mechanics more natural looking ledges to hand on, and the sliding mechanics) and then actually made the game character driven. Unlike most of the games like this, the areas your in and the significance of the object your looking for are secondary to how the characters interact with each other. I'll be honest, off the top of my head I kinda forget exactly what Drake was...