I know who the Night King is. (Game of Thrones prediction)
The night king is a bit of an oddity on Game of Thrones. The point of much of the show is that there is no absolute good or evil, and all whove committed evil can be redeemed....but he seems pure evil. And his identity is still totally hidden in shadows...........until today. You see, I think I know who he is: He's the brother (or son/father)of Brandon Stark. Not the crippled one who's currently calling himself the 3 eyed raven. No the original Brandon Stark....Brandon the Builder, the founder of House Stark. Consider the following facts if you will: 1) We already know the Night King was transformed to his current state by the magic of the Children of the Forrest, before that he was a First Man. We also know the Northmen are the decedents of the First Men (unlike the rest of Westeros who are descended from the Andals). Meaning the Starks are all First Men, so a blood relationship is possible. 2) Brandon the Builder got his name, from among other things, building the Wall. The ...