Explaining the last scene in Endgame and why it doesnt break the movie
Ok, so this should go without saying but given the ENTIRE POINT of this post is to explain (in my opinion) how the last scene of Avengers Endgame doesnt break the rules set by the rest of the movie...its got SPOILERS. So if you dont want SPOILERS and havnt seen the movie...leave now. Ok, so the last scene of Avengers Endgame has gotten ALOT of attention, because it seemingly doesnt work in the logic of the movie. This being the scene where old man Steve Rogers is just chilling on a park bench when Bucky/Falcon/Hulk are waiting for his younger self to return from dropping off the infinity stones. Now there are two reasons this scene allegedly doesnt work. 1) according to the rules of time travel in the movie, you have to return to the same point (the Avengers Time Machine Platform)you left from...which Cap didnt cause he was on the bench. 2) In the scene he gives his shield to Falcon, but it was previously destroyed in the movie. In the days following the movie, there was a fa...