
Showing posts from 2015

Top 10 Favorite Avengers

Alright, so a brief "disclaimer" before moving on. If your expecting to see all of the "big name" avengers on this list, you may be disappointed. Mostly because most of the big names (IE thor, cap, iron man, spider man, luke cage and others) have their own comic books. As a result they tend not to get that much character development in the Avengers, and they are rarely the focus of any subplots. I decided though that I would only really focus on characterization that happened in a comic that had avengers on the title (be it "avengers" "new avengers" "uncanny avengers" "Might avengers" "west coast avengers" "solo avengers" "avengers academy" "avengers AI") as this was a listing of my favorite AVENGERS and not my favorite characters. So just cause some bigger names arnt here doesnt mean I dont like them....they may show up on a favorite characters list some day in the future. Instead i...

Star Wars Episode VII:The Force Awakens. My review

Alright, so I'm going to have to do it....I'm going to have to be that guy. Star Wars Episode 7 was....alright. Not great....but not the prequels either. But definitely not as great as I'd hoped. And theres a lot of reasons for that Now for those who cant tell from that kind of introduction SPOILERS FOLLOW. So if this bothers you....stop reading NOW. otherwise here we go. So we start with the thing that bothers me most. It doesnt play a big role per say...but it also kinda breaks the movie when mentioned. I'm talking about the factions. what the fuck is going on in galactic politics? I think the offical timeline by Disney puts 30 years between episode 6 and 7.....yet the universe as we are introduced to it doesnt really make sense. So, the republic exists.....somewhere. Granted they dont seem to be that big, as they are implied to have been entirely destroyed by a single shot of the Starkiller Base, to the point that following that shot its assumed the...

How the Internet is ruining gaming

So this going to be my first "rant"/not top 10 style post for this blog....because I think it finally needs to be said. The internet is fucking ruining gaming. Now I know that sounds weird, we do a lot of our gaming on the internet....and thanks to the internet we get cool shit like DLC and patches for bugs and the what not. And I admit, it all sounds great in practice......but the problem is the system is being abused and as a result gaming is paying for it. The most noticeable effect of this abuse of the internet is the number of, quite frankly unfinished games being released. Now look I realize game designing is very hard, and the designers are human and mistakes will be made. But they should be kept to a minimum.......however since the internet that seems to no longer be the case. You name a major series, I can name a game that was so badly bugged and flawed it was seen as possibly "destroying" the series reputation For example, You say: Halo. I say Halo Master ...

My Top 15 favorite Pokemon, part 2

So last time out we did the first for the last 7 to conclude my top 15 favorite pokemon. Fair warning, I have a hunch anyone who started playing in 2006 or after wont remember any of these :P #7 Charmeleon Ok time for some controversy, Charizard is fugly. given that its only 5'7", the thing is basically a fat dragon and not as scary as a dragon should be. Charmeleon on the other hand is freaking awesome. The dark red works so much better for it than the Orange does on its other two evolutionary forms. And even at 3'3" it looks meaner and scarier than Charizard. I'm legit worried this thing might rip my balls off. And hell the anime got it perfect when it came time to have one of Ash's pokemon go rebel.....telling you, Charmeleon was born to look pissed off. In fact, even with the advent of Mega Charizard (x only in my case as I dont own y) I'm still tempted not to evolve my Charmeleon cause I like it so much more than Charizard. Sideno...

My Top 15 favorite Pokemon, part 1

So I actually had another blog I was setting up, then I quit my teaching job and one of my students gave me a Pikachu doll. So yea, that got me thinking about Pokemon and which ones I here it is. Originally this was going to be a top 10 list.....but I figured with over 700 pokemon maybe a bit more was called for, so here we go the Pokemon top 15....part 1. #15 Talonflame On paper the chances for Talonflame to be good were immensely small. For starters it starts life as Fletchling, Generation VI's early game bird type. As a rule those pokemon tend to be good early in the game, and be totally ineffective and overshown later. And while the fact it didnt stay a normal/flying type upon evolving into Flecheinder did make for a nice surprise and shack up...well given that the other pokemon with that type combination are Charizard, Moltres and Ho-Oh, AKA a starter and 2 legionaries, all of whom have higher than normal stats because of that, well it seemed this thing...

My top 10 least favorite Avengers

So here we go. There have been nearly 200 avengers, and even an ultra fan boy like me isnt going to like ALL of them. Here are the 10 I like the least on the team. I should note that I actually like 6 of these of whom (#10) is likely one of my top 10 favorite comic character period....I just dont like them as avengers, they dont fit. Also a note for the ranking. I have yet to read much of anything past the end of the heroic age, at least for the main titles. So pretty much any members introduced by Jonathan Hickman wont be on this list. Which is probably good for him, since based on what little Ive read so far, I think most of his characters would make this list, as his style and the size of his roster leaves no time for any real character development. Also on the "side series" I've only read those up to about October of 2014. So again anyone added/re-added since then isnt included. #10 Storm So Brian Michael Bendis was the write...