Top 10 Favorite Avengers
Alright, so a brief "disclaimer" before moving on. If your expecting to see all of the "big name" avengers on this list, you may be disappointed. Mostly because most of the big names (IE thor, cap, iron man, spider man, luke cage and others) have their own comic books. As a result they tend not to get that much character development in the Avengers, and they are rarely the focus of any subplots. I decided though that I would only really focus on characterization that happened in a comic that had avengers on the title (be it "avengers" "new avengers" "uncanny avengers" "Might avengers" "west coast avengers" "solo avengers" "avengers academy" "avengers AI") as this was a listing of my favorite AVENGERS and not my favorite characters. So just cause some bigger names arnt here doesnt mean I dont like them....they may show up on a favorite characters list some day in the future. Instead i...