Star Wars Episode VII:The Force Awakens. My review

Alright, so I'm going to have to do it....I'm going to have to be that guy. Star Wars Episode 7 was....alright. Not great....but not the prequels either. But definitely not as great as I'd hoped. And theres a lot of reasons for that

Now for those who cant tell from that kind of introduction SPOILERS FOLLOW. So if this bothers you....stop reading NOW. otherwise here we go.

So we start with the thing that bothers me most. It doesnt play a big role per say...but it also kinda breaks the movie when mentioned.

I'm talking about the factions. what the fuck is going on in galactic politics? I think the offical timeline by Disney puts 30 years between episode 6 and 7.....yet the universe as we are introduced to it doesnt really make sense.

So, the republic exists.....somewhere. Granted they dont seem to be that big, as they are implied to have been entirely destroyed by a single shot of the Starkiller Base, to the point that following that shot its assumed their entire fleet and military are non factors....and are clearly mentioned as NOT being on Coruscant, the galactic Capitol...and instead are located on a planet called Hosnian Prime (at least per the official dictionary for the movie). They'd had 30 years.....they should be MUCH bigger by now But not big enough to be so weighted down by bureaucracy they wouldn't have done anything to stop the First Order should they become a threat (as they were).

So the role of the Republic doesnt really make much sense....except that Episode VI suggests the good guys the Rebels had to become the government.

And then the First Order exists.....this is apparently the remnants of the empire. But they are clearly a government in exile whos power and influence are massively one would expect after the events of episode 6....and they are basically based out of some forgotten system on the edge of the galaxy. Which again makes sense.  But then again, they somehow have enough power, control and money left to make the Starkiller base........that part doesnt really work with the exiled powerless government idea.

And then their is the resistance.....which is stated to be supported by, but independent from the Republic. And also stated to be fucking tiny, given that the 3 or 4 x-wing squadrons they commit to the battle of Starkiller base are said to be their entire fleet.  

Now its never stated WHY the resistance exists as separate from the republic, other than the assumption the Republic stopped fighting the Empire/First Order. But theres also no reason the Republic would have done that. I mean one might assume that MAYBE the Republic believed the First Order totally powerless.......but clearly the Starkiller base and what had to be several hundreds of thousands of storm troopers, suggests their would be no evidence to support that belief.

So yea, the state of the galaxy kinda makes no sense. Who's the "official" government/controlls most of the galaxy? all 3 factions would seem to be too small. why arnt the resistance and the Republic the same damn thing anymore?  I mean its been 30 years.....some body needs to be in charge "officially" and the reason the Republic believes the war to be over should exist by now.

And thats not the only problem, seems like everything is a homage to the original movies. Although actually, I'm NOT talking about Han and Chewie and Leia and Luke ect, being in the some degree the narrative demands that they are. So I have no real issue there.

My problem is more things like Rey' introduction.....the abandoned, seemingly orphaned child on a desert planet.....why does this sound familiar? Oh wait, its literally the same damn thing they did for Luke and Vader....just this time its a DIFFERENT desert planet.  Just saying. Rey's whole story could have been kept intact and seemed more unique if Jakku ahd been, I dont know a slum world or even a mash planet, or Savanna or any other kind of inhospitable environment other than desert or ice.  Ice by the way being Starkiller Base....and Hoth. But at least Starkiller base had trees....

Also by the way, anyone else notice that Jakku seemed to be inhabited by creatures that kinda looked like jawa's? I mean at least they mixed things up a bit cause it was the Jawa's who rode the Bantha analogs....

Oh and also, did anyone else that the movie starts with this old British guy talking, who's implied to be very wise and important....and also was a dead ringer for Alec Guinness?

Oh and the other planet visited, where Rey gets captured? Forrest....just to get endor in there and complete the trifecta of referencing the original trilogy.

And as Ive mentioned it in passing a couple of times....lets be honest, the attack on Starkiller base was clearly the deathstar trench run from episode IV....

Now this was not to say ALL the homages were bad....I actually thought the intentional and in universe homage Kylo Ren made to Darth Vader, by adopting a black suit and mask to appear more intimidating was awesome and served his character perfectly.

Speaking of Kylo Ren, lets return for a minute to the First Order

Ok so like I said before, leaving out the process and money needed to make Starkiller base, the First Order being what they are, and where they are, as the exiled imperials makes sense. And they have all the potential to be major villains.

 Problem is, they were horrible used. For starters there are seemingly 4 main characters in the First Order, Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader Snoke, the Red haired general and the silver stormtrooper.

Now the fact that I cant even come up with the names for two of them without looking it up is a pretty good clue how badly they were used.

For starters, we have the red headed general....who wookipedia informs me is named Hux. He has some scenes with Ren and Snoke in which he does nothing, and one speech about destorying the entire republic...which again just really kinda made me question the whole didnt really help the movie. Doesnt help that the man has zero presence. I think it he hadnt been a red head I likely wouldnt have realized it was the same guy in all the shots.

Just saying, give me the presence a guy like Peter Cushing/Grand Moff Tarken, if you want me to believe this guy is commanding the whole military. Hell even Admiral Motti, who got choked out minutes into episode 4 had more commanding presence then this guy. (although to be fair, Hux is right up there with Admiral Piett, Admiral Ozzel and General Veers as being forgettable imperial commanders)

Then we get to the Silver Stormtrooper. who was named Phasma.....who had the look. She looked intimidating and all 3 of the scenes she was in. And hell at the end of the day, she was disposed of OFF CAMERA.....and basically served only as a plot device to make a reference to rescue effort and trash compactor on the Death Star in Episode 4.

Which brings us to Supreme Leader Snoke. Now the idea that some one would rise up to replace Palpatine makes sense....but who the fuck is this guy? and I dont mean that in the sense that he should be a character in the original series or whatever......but more that he makes no sense.

See Snoke is clearly a dark side force user...except, where the fuck did he come from? The sith died with Palpatine and Vader....and as mentioned in the prequels, there are only two sith at a time. So he's not another sith lord that was waiting around in case of emergency.

And Luke is stated as the last Jedi...who was training the next generation....but the only student he's mentioned as having was Ben Solo AKA Kylo Ren.

So yea, where'd this super powerful darkside user come from? Espisode 8 and 9 kinda need to address this, they cant just have him be there like Palatine was without explanation in the original trilogy, as there cannon now excludes any random existence as explanation.

And that assumes Snoke is human. Admittedly he doesnt look it, but it possible his face got fried palatine style (remember what I said about how EVERYTHING was an homage to the original trilogy?) And if hes not human, how did an alien wind up running the xenophobic and otherwise entirely human empire/first order?

Which brings us to Kylo Ren. Who is actually the one character I like here. Yea hes less imposing and has less presence than Vader....but thats the entire point. He's trying to, and failing to be the new Darth Vader in his mind. Not being as imposing as Vader is part of his character. Also its a cool juxtaposition with Vader. Vader is strongly implied to see his mask and armor as a reminder of his weakness and failure at Mustafar, and the fact he needed it was a weakness for him. When as for Ren he sees his mask and armor as signs of strength and power and increasing both.

Which is not to say I dont have a massive problem with Kylo Ren.....which is that he is very very very very clearly Jacen Solo from the original Extended Universe.   Jacen was one of the Solo kids and eventually fell to the darkside, following in his grandfathers footsteps as Darth Caedus the leader of the Imperial remnant...and the event that was supposed to trigger his irreversible fall? killing his aunt, Mara Jade Skywalker (lukes wife).

Switch out Mara Jade for Han Solo, and you have Kylo Ren's character arc in episode 7....

By the way, for those wondering Jacen Solo met his end at the hands of his sister, Jaina Solo, who happens to be extortionately mechanically gifted. And who happens to have a thing for falling for imperial defectors. Sound like anyone else from Episode 7? Like say Rey? now clearly she cant be Han and Leia's daughter as they pretty clearly established neither of them know her and Kylo's an only child....but at the same time, there is another Skywalker out there....Luke. And it would kinda mirror the shift from killing Mara jade to killing Han by moving Rey from sister to cousin.

And obviously I apologize if I just ruined the big reveal of episode 8 and 9 for you.

Finally though my biggest problem with Episode 7 is that, except for Kylo Ren and Rey, I dont think I was given a reason to give a fuck about any of the new characters. In fact, arguably the middle 3 5ths of the movie was the Han and Chewie show.

And dont get me wrong, it was freaking amazing show. I loved every minute of Han and Chewie, they were the clear stars and highlights of the movie.....but thats also the problem. As great as those two were (and they were awesome, I cant state that enough)....they really shouldnt have been the focus of the movie.

Cause at the end of the day, the movie should have been about the new stars. And while I'm hyped to see what eventually happens to Kylo Ren (is he redeemed or does he die evil) and even see what happens as we uncover Rey's secret (even though Im pretty sure I know), I could give two craps about any of the rest of the returning cast.

Like I said before Phasma (AKA the silver stormtrooper) got all of 10 minutes of screen time.....but shes supposed to be in episode 8. Though if shes not, I probably wont even notice cause of how little focus she got. Ditto the resistance pilot guy (who after I looked it up was named Poe Dameron). if it wasnt for the fact that no Poe would likely also mean no BB-8 (who I actually enjoyed and I think it has more personality then R2) I dont think I'd care if he wasnt in the next one. In fact I was kinda annoyed when he turned up alive...cause I knew that meant i'd have to see him again in episode 8...and I didnt have any reason to. And to be totally honest, even Finn, who got plenty of screen time...I'd be ok if he never recovered from his injuries. His character arc and development (such as it was) already seems played out. He "died" doing the right thing for once...just like he wanted. I've got no reason to care what happens to him next. Oh and I think offically Hux (aka the red haired First Order dude) is also still alive and might come back....but again I'm cool with him having died during the evacuation of Starkiller, and in fact I likely wont notice if hes just written out without mention.

(by the way, as of when I write this I believe only Rey, Finn, Poe , Phasma and Luke have signed on for Episode 8. Chewie, 3P0, Leia, Hux and Kylo Ren have not YET (though I assume Ren's character will appear, with a different actor if needed (and a new scared face))

So yea, I dont want anyone to get the wrong idea. I actually liked Episode VII even with the odd state of the galaxy I mentioned....I'm just not sure I liked it for the "right" reasons (that is the say I liked seeing the old characters more than the new) and for that reason, I'm not sure I can say it lived up to its job as a transition movie. And I will see Episode VIII

 But I'm going to see it because I want to see how Luke and Chewie deal with the death of Han and their relationships (as I assume master and co-pilot respectively) with Rey. And  how Luke is going to deal with Kylo (For the record I expect him to confront him in battle....and for luke to lose and die) And I want to see that more than I want to see any of the new characters (excluding Rey and Kylo).

So I will probibly like Episode VIII for all the wrong reasons too.


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