10 least favorite pokemon
So this week makes the 20th anniversary of Pokemon, the rerelease of the Generation 1 games for 3DS systems and the official announcement of Generation 7. So it seemed like a good time to do some more pokemon blogs. And when I looked back at what I'd already done, I realized that despite doing my top 15 favorite a while back ....I never did my least favorite. So this seems like the best tiem to correct that. 10) Combee This thing is god damn useless. Note specifically that that is a picture of a male Combee, as the Female does eventually evolve into the pretty decent Vespiquen. But the thing is,the species is 88% male. Also in its debut Generation (IV), it could only be caught by using honey......a process that involved several hours per attempt (and remember the uber common males are fucking useless. Sure it finally became easier to find in the second set of Gen V, but still Oh and to top it all off, the damn thing learns 3 moves (4 in gens V and VI) and cant learn TMs ...