Wrestlemania 32 review.
I know, I said I would be doing the best champions in WWE history next....and I will...but its taking a bit longer than I though (seriously you know how many great candidates their are just for the intercontinental championship? not to mention the WWE title.....) So while I'm working to get that wrapped up there was this thing called Wrestlemania last night....hopefully you saw it. But if you didnt, dont worry thats what I'm here for with my first ever Wrestlemania review. Now this isnt going to be a blow by blow review......cause again if your reading this, I assume you saw the show......its just a quick overview of my opinion on each match and a 1 to 5 ranking of how good it was. So with that said, we start where Wrestlemania did: Match #1 US Championship match between Kalisto and Ryback. To be honest, this was a much better match than I expected, and a great telling of the classic "big man vs little man" story. Ryback for his part actually did a great job of playin...