The worst Champions for each title in WWE history.

So its that time of year again for wrestling fans, its WRESTLEMANIA Season. So in honor of tomorrows Wrestlemania 32 I figure I'll do a look back at the best and worst champion for each title in WWE history. Of course, as I like to end on high notes, we start with the worst.

Now some quick rules,

1) First we are only looking at championships recognized by the WWE and champions who won the belt under the WWE banner.  This means for example, that the WCW Championship IS recognized championship, however Ric Flair is ineligible for this list as none of his reigns occurred during the time WWE controlled the belt. Booker T meanwhile WOULD be eligible as his 4th and 5th title reign happened under the WWE banner, but only his last 2 reign would be considered for his standings on either list. By the same token the ECW world title under the WWE banner is eligible, but the ECW tag titles are not as they never appeared in WWE.

 2) any titles whos histories are considered one and the same by WWE will be considered the same belt. This means that the WCW US title and WWE US title are the same belt, as is the Criuserweight title, or the WWE title/Undisputed title/WWE World Heavyweight title.  However the WCW title and the World Heavyweight Championship are NOT the same title, as WWE treats those as separate championships despite both using the same physical belt.  Also for purposes of this list the Unified Tag Team championships are considered part of the WWE Tag Team title linage and not the World Tag Team title, since despite using both belts at one point the name was eventually changed to reflect the WWE tag linage. This is the same logic that makes the Undisputed title and WWE World Heavyweight title part of the same line as the WWE title, and not the WCW or World Heavyweight titles.

3) For the purposes of this list, FCW, OVW and NXT are not considered part of the WWE. Nor are any active title before 1980 that arnt still active. also "novelty" championships (like the Million Dollar championship) are excluded.

4) Not only will I be naming the worst champion for each belt, I'll be ranking them, with the worst champion for any belt ever, being #1 on this list, and the best champion out of the worst of each belt at #15

So, with that out of the way, the full list of eligible titles here:
WWE World Heavyweight title (AKA the Undisputed and WWE titles).
World Heavy Championship
ECW Championship,
WCW Championship (AKA the World Championship in 2001)
WWE Intercontinental Championship
WWE United States Championship (AKA the WCW United States Championship)
WWE Cruserweight Championship (AKA the WCW Crusierweight Championship)
WWE European Championship
WWE Hardcore Championship
WWF Light Heavyweight Championship
WWE Womens Championship
WWE Divas Championship
WWE Tag Team Championship (AKA the Unified Tag Team titles)
World Tag Team Championship
WCW Tag Team Championships
# 15 WCW Tag Team Champions Booker T and Test.
To be honest, these guys are winners of this dishonor by default. They werent particularly a bad team, at worst they were just kinda bland and average (especially compared to Booker T's other sucessful parings with Stevie Ray  as harlem heat or, RVD, or Goldust). the problem is the only 3 other teams to be WCW tag team champions under WWE were the Brothers of Destruction, who had a long run and high profile feud with the titles (against DDP and Kayon), and the Hardy Boyz and the Dudley Boyz (as part of their ongoing fueds with each other, one of the hottest fueds WWE had). So by default these guys have to be the worst.....just cause no one else really fits more than anything they did.

#14 WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn
Jerry Lynn has been an ECW Champion and ROH Champion.......but my guess is 99% of the wrestling world doesnt even remember he was ever IN WWE, let alone that he actually won a title there. Now to be fair, I actually liked and remember his run as Light Heavyweight Champion....but I'm also pretty sure I'm the only one. And at least looking only had his not quite a year run in WWE, he really is the most forgettable person to have won that title.....say what you will about Gilberg or Scotty 2 Hotty, but at least people remember them.

#13 WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn
Matchwise the Divas division has a history of being booked horribly. But as far as the women who actually become champion, WWE's actually done a pretty good job of not putting the belt on any outright unqualified disasters. At worst the champions just arnt that memorable, and to me Kaitlyn is by far the least the point I forgot she existed let alone was divas champ until I looked the list up for research. Which was enough to land her here.

#12 WWE United States Champion Dean Ambrose:

Dean Ambrose was US champion for nearly a year.......and basically never defended the damn thing. Now Ambrose himself climbed the ladder in a big way during this year, as he and the rest of the shield cemented themselves as arguably the most dominate faction in WWE history, for sure in the last decade, and that all 3 of them will be the WWE's major players for the next decade.

But like I said, during that entire time, he basically never defended his belt, so the title benifited from none of that....and actually stagnated and shrank in prestige, to the point had it been retired Im not sure anyone would have known or cared. 

#11 Intercontinental Champion Dean Douglas
I actually kinda feel bad about this one. So for background, Douglas was set to fight the legendary Shawn Michaels for the IC belt....only to have Shawn be legitimately assaulted and injured at the hands of a group of drunk marines at a bar, making him unable to defend the title.

Which was promptly awarded to Douglas.....until Razor Ramon showed up challenged him for and beat him for the title less than 15 minutes later. And a couple of months after that Douglas would disappear from WWE forever.

Now props to the guy for filling in and doing his job without complaint...but still when you hold what has been at points considered the championship for the best actual WRESTLER on the roster....and only do it for 15 minutes, at the height of the titles wind up here.

#10 ECW Champion Vince McMahon and John Morrison


I have to declare this one a tie, as I believe the time the ECW stopped being seen by fans a legitmate 3rd world title for the WWE, and became instead something more akin to a "developmental" world titles was during the near back to back reigns of these two men.

First McMahon had the title for over a month....and yet basically never defended it in 1 on 1 matches. And given the effort WWE should have been using at this point to get ECW over as their 3rd brand, treating the title as a joke or afterthought was a major problem

Then Morrison won the title not long after. Now I actually feel bad for morrison, because much like Dean Douglas he was NEVER supposed to be champion. He was picked as the replacement for the infamous Chris Benoit when Benoit no-showed a PPV (this being the night of the double murder suicide that would see Benoit take the life of his family). So he wasnt really prepared for being a champion, nor was he on that level yet.

That said, given the situation, Morrison actually did a pretty good job...he just never overcame being given a title he wasnt ready for. However one upside did come out of his reign, I think it planted the seed in the mind of the WWE that they could have a "developmental" world champion...that is an entire show for guys not yet ready for the main roster, and that they could be groomed as successes on the smaller idea that I think eventually found root as NXT, the replacement for the ECW brand once it failed.

So while Morrison is on the list, hes the only one on the list for whom the industry as a whole is better off because he was champion, even if he was a bad one.

#9 WCW Champion Kurt Angle:

Ok so yes Kurt Angle is a sure fire hall of famer, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, and one of the greatest champions EVER, and has held all kinds of championships all over the world.

However one of those titles was the WCW world title, and well his reign was completely forgettable, to the point the above photo is the only one I can find of him "with" the WCW title, and technically he hadnt won it yet in the photo.

For context his win of the title came during the invasion angle, and WWF champion Stone Cold defect the WCW/ECW alliance. So Angle  challenged Austin for the title....and Austin ducked it and subbed in WCW champion Booker T...who then lost the Angle in what was seen as "evening the balance of power" between the alliance and the least until Angle lost the title back to Booker in a rematch 6 days later.

This reign was an all around fail....not only did WWE "hot potato" the title too fast for the change to have any real lasting impact....especially the company wide story-line going on at the time, it didnt help the credibility of the WCW title, or the Alliance as legit threats to the WWF to have their title outright seen as a "substitute" for  contenders not seen worthy of the WWF gold....even by what on screen at least was the WCW itself.

#8 WWE European Champion Jeff Jarrett

So Double J was European champion for 1 day.....not because he got beat, but because he decided after winning the title he didnt want it, so he just gave it away to someone else.

Incidentally you know how to devaule a championship? treat it like its something people dont want.

So yea for Jeff Jarrett and the European title, mission accomplished.

#7 WWE Tag Team Champion John Cena
Ok so I know this is a bit weird, as I'm giving a tag team dishonor to one guy, but bear with me here.

John Cena is a two time WWE Tag Team Champion....and the combined total of both reigns is maybe 24 hours. First time he won the title, his partner lay down the next night and intentionally got beat for the title. The second time, as soon as they lost the titles, the defeated champs asked for a rematch and Cena's partner turned on him and the former champs got their titles back in less than 15 minutes.

Now arguably his partners David Otunga and the Miz should have this dishonor too.....except they were only involved in one of these title devaluing debacles each....Cena was in both.

#6 WWE Crusierweight Champion Hornswoggle

Very few wrestlers can claim their title reign killed off an entire title.....but then their is hornswoggle. A character originally intended and generally used for a series of jokes and not to be taken seriously as a wrestler (that was actually his point) this is one character who had no business near any championship.......though to be fair, in this one instance maybe if he'd actually lost it quickly (instead of a two month reign before the title was just retired) his run might look better.

#5 World Tag Team Champions Bob Backlund and Pedro Morales
These guys on their own are both hall of famers, and hold all kinds of wrestling firsts and records. But as a tag team....well they were stripped of the belts the night after they won them, as at the time WWE has a rule that no wrestler could hold two titles at the same time, and Backlund was the reigning WWE Champion.

But that begs the question.....why the hell would you book a match in which one of the competing teams is ineligible to win? especially when the tournament  created to crown new champions was won by the same team these two beat for the titles?  seriously what did anyone ever get out of this decision? it seems like literally everyone lost and no one benefited.

#4 WWE Champion Rey Mysterio
Remember that time Rey Mysterio won the WWE Title....and then lost it minutes later to John Cena.....only to have "Former" champ CM Punk return and prove hed never lost the title, therefore Mysterio's reign and cena's win didnt count as legit?

Cause yea, treating your own world title as an afterthought and delegitimate a win is a great way to get the wrestler over.......

#3 WWE Women's champion Hervina
Thats a man in drag, winning the womens title, after having a wrestling match in a pool.........You know what I dont think I need to say any more here to prove why this reign was horrible.

#2 World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali

You know what sounds like a great idea? a world champion who cant wrestle and cant speak English.

Now I understand Khali wasnt exactly a first choice for champion and only became champion due to an injury to then champion Edge.  But unlike some of the other people on this list, who get a pass because of that, Khali won the belt in a match that involved 19 other participants including former champions like Batista and Kane and a roster that included Booker T and Undertaker.

In other words there was no reason AT ALL, to pick this guy to win the match, except some one thought it was a good idea.....and the worst part is it took more than 60 days for anyone to correct this mistake.

#1 WWE Hardcore Champion the unnamed Ho.

You know when you know a championship is a joke? when the champion doesnt even have a name.

So back in the day the hardcore title was on the line 24 a day 7 days a week....which lead to a series of events in which one of the unnamed Ho's of the Godfather pinning Crash Holly to become the Hardcore champion.....and then lose it seconds later (that picture is basically her entire reign).

Now in all fairness to the Ho, shes actually a moderately successful wrestler (as were all of Godfathers Ho's including future womens champions Lita and Victoria who also played unnamed ho's) by the name of 

Cynthia Lynch AKA Bobcat, so at least shes not just a random woman off the street, but given that she was never seen in WWE before or since she might as well have been.

So yea, when you slap a title on someone whos entire career in WWE can be shown in a single picture.....yea that makes that person the single worst champion in WWE history.


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