Top 10 things that need to be in the new star wars movies. *spoilers*
Alright, so now that episode 7 is released....let the speculation for Episode 8 begin.
Here's a list of the 10 things, places and people, that will I hope or assume be in the next two episodes, ranked in the order of how likely I think they are to make an appearance.
Now far waring, Spoilers for episode 7 DO follow, and not just the obvious ones (as in everything on this list isnt in episode 7). Youve been warned.
10) TIE Defender
Of all the things on this list, this is probably the least likely, mostly because I would bet this the one thing on this list only real die hard extended universe fans have heard of.
Ok so way way way back in the day(early 90's), one of the first star wars games was a game called TIE FIGHTER, in which you got to play an imperial pilot flying a variety of Imperial spacecraft. Problem was, by the movie standards the Imperial spacecraft were rather limited. So the game had to invent some, one of those being the TIE Defender.
In game, the TIE Defender was supposed to be the most advanced and strongest TIE variant, but is still in the prototype phase. Unlike the TIE Fighters shown in the movie, the Defender used a 3 wing design, and each one of those wings sported a pair of cannons 4 laser cannons and two ion cannons (so can disable electronics), and also had two missile launchers.
Also notably the TIE Defender had Shields and Warp Drives two things missing from you basic TIE fighter. The in universe explanation for the lack of these features on most Imperial Starfighter was that the Empire had had enough troops to consider pilots basically expendable, so only the most advanced craft and important pilots have shields and warp drive.
Now fast forward to the Episode 7 universe. Its been 30 years since Endor, even the Imperial remnants should have moved on from your basic TIE fighters, even if they did add Shields and Warp drives (as confirmed by some of the official books) as they no longer have a limitless supply of pilots or the capitol ships needed to transport their fighters.
Basically this thing seems to have designed for something like the First Order in mind, an advanced TIE with Warp and Shields, and from a real world point of view it would allow the new trilogy to actually achieve a look of time passing and technology advancing while also still looking like classic and familiar star wars tech, akin to what they did with the redesigned stormtroopers.
Its also worth noting the TIE Defender appeared in the star wars mobile game "Star Wars: Commander" which is current cannon, which means officially this thing exists. Except the game released in 2014, so likely too late for Episode 7....but not 8 or 9.
9) Y-Wings/A-Wings
So kinda like the TIE Defender, this entry is here partly for reasons of diversifying the fleets in the new trilogy. Unlike the Defender though, both of these ships have already appears in movies, with the Y-Wing being in ALL 3 of the original Trilogy and the A-Wing appearing in Episode 6.
That said to be fair, there are valid reasons not to include these craft. The Y-Wing also appears in the Clone Wars TV show, which is still cannon, and therefore would be about 60 years old (at best) by Episode 7, so its understandable it would be phased out by then and not appear as anything more than wreckage.
The A-wing though has a much more interesting history that makes it much more likely to appear. As I mentioned the A-wing first appeared in Episode 6, and was implied to be a newer model star fighter, thereby a replacement for the "outdated" X-wing. This was actually suggested in the original Expanded Universe a couple of times as well.
However the new Cannon seems to have reversed this, having introduced the A-Wing, but not the X-wing (yet) to the Star Wars Rebels TV Show, which takes place prior to Episode 4. In other words its now possible the X-wing is officially the A-wings replacement as a fighter and not the other way around, presumably with A-wings only being a Endor because of how much the Rebels needed every ship they could get....even the obsolete ones (as they used Y wings as well)
However a 3rd possibility exists, the Y X and A wings have appeared alongside each other in multiple games. Almost universally those games have the Y wing in the bomber role, the A wing in the role of interceptor/air to air combat, and the X wing taking a middle ground between the two. As this balance is also reflected in current cannon games, its also possible the A-wing serves a different and unique role from the X-wing....a role it likely can still fill in Episodes 7-9
8) TIE Bomber/TIE Interceptor/B-Wing
Basically all 3 of these things are here for the same reason as the TIE Defender and the Y-wing/A-Wing entries, so show some diversity and improves to their respective fleets over the last 30 years. The difference is, all 3 of these ships not only exist in the films but are confirmed (as of the end of Episode 6) even in the new cannon to be the modern/in service of their respective roles (unlike the Y and possibly A wings)
The TIE Bomber was first seen (briefly) in Episode 5, intended to be the star wars equivalent to real air force Bombers in the same way the TIE fighter was the analog of real fighercraft.
The other 2 ships all appeared in Episode 6, and were all implied to be fairly new craft, all implied to be slowly replacing the more outdated "classic craft". So the Interceptor would replace the TIE Fighter, the B-Wing the rebel Y-Wing.
Given that these advancements have also been confirmed in the new cannon, it seems odd none of these ships appear anywhere in episode 7, cause the one thing the prequels got right in my opinion was introducing new and different and diverse starships. Maybe there will be some reason the Interceptor failed to replace the TIE Fighter, or they will use the same balance solution as seen with the Y/X/A wings in a Bomber/Fighter/Interceptor role (which is seen in lots of games) but as the other two have no other ship in their role (unless we are still to believe the 70 year old Y-wings are still around) thats a bit less excusable
7) Coruscant
You know, the [former?] galactic capitol. Given the clusterfuck that is the universes politics (see my review for more information) its probably important to know who actually holds this planet, as it was the galactic capitol for a few million years.
So whoever holds this planet has a pretty good claim to being the "legitimate" government of the galaxy. Given that, taking it would likely be a top priority for the First Order and whatever is left of the New Republic.....if for no other reason than to delegitimize the other.
Plus, its highly likely that any high ranking or ruling class members of the Empire who werent on the Second Death Star when it blew up, were on Coruscant....and likely they want to return to power and with the destruction of at least a good chunk of the New Republic, well if there is going to be an internal rebellion against the Resistance, this is likely where its going to start.
Also by the way, should be noted as seen in the post 2004 versions of episode VI, the Jedi Temple is still there, although it was converted to the Imperial Place, however given Palpatines true identity as a Sith Lord, its likely a lot of the information and relics were kept intact....which might be of interest to Snoke and Kylo Ren.....or Luke and Rey (as the jedi temple luke was claimed to be looking for on whatever planet he was on seems to be a pile of rubble).
So yea, pretty much all the factions in the series have a reason to be making a beeline to this planet right now, so im sure at somepoint someone is going to make it there.
6) AT-AT/AT-ST/Speeder Bike/Tank
Because if your going to fight a war on a planet, your going to need ground vehicles. Sure there is the crashed AT-AT on Jakku but really there should be more ground vehicles around. Cause its not exactly believable that the First Order can afford to build the Starkiller, but doesnt have the money for a few dozen or so AT-ST's
By the same token, youd figure the Resistance and the New Republic would have highly invested in ground vehicles, given at least one of the them is the official government now and the other is funded by it.....
5) The New Republic
Like I said in my review of the movie, the galactic politics are SHIT. There is basically no believable way the New Republic was still small enough to be taken out in a single shot after 30 years.
Could the Senate have been wiped out? Sure probably....but youd assume then that once they got chain of command straightened out, the New Republic is going to come after the First Order with all the military might they have right? Just saying by any kind of logic the New Republic should be a major as pissed off factor in Episode 8 and 9.
4) Mon Calamari Cruisers
Yet another vehicles and for the same purpose as the others.....SOMETHING has to be filing the role of capital ship.
Now in fairness to the movie, the did actually have a couple members of a new class of star destroyers, and it believable they have more so the first order is actually covered on this one.
The problem is, its also said in the movie that 3 dozen or so X-wings make up the whole the Resistance's fleet. Which is honestly pretty unbelievable in the first place, that the Resistance couldt afford or want capitol ships, if for no other reasons than to combat the Star Destroyers. And even if by some miracle the Resistance was in fact that tactically stupid, the New Republic should have a shit of ton of capitol ships laying around.....and like I said, they should be coming for blood.
If so, I am officially endorsing the First Order and pulling for them to return to power by the end of Episode 9, if for no other reason than having slightly more common sense.
3) Ahsoka Tano/Purge Survivors
I know, the number #3 spot and most of my readers just went "who?" She was the main character of the Clone Wars TV Show and now of the Star Wars Rebel's TV show.....both of which are still considered cannon.
So shes basically the most popular character from the new expanded universe. And theres actually a decent chance shes still alive (shes implied to be alive and under an alias after the events of Episode 6 by the book Aftermath)...shed be about 70 years old by episode 7. And given that shes an alien, that might not be as old as you think. She could be young by her species standards
But WHO is she? Well she's a Jedi Knight, who like Obi Wan and Yoda survived the Purge....and a co-founder of the Rebellion, along with Bail Organa, the adoptive father of Princess Leia
So shes got a pretty good reason to have been keeping an eye on all the major player for decades, they are the children (and now grandchildren) of her fallen master. And given that Ben fell to the Dark Side, and Luke was almost tempted in Episode 6.....well even her staying in the shadows for decades could be explained as a distrust of Skywalkers.
Also worth noting this makes her a more experience and better trained Jedi than Luke Skywalker......which might start to matter if, as I suspect Luke doesnt survive episode 8, the Jedi are going to need a new leader/Rey will need a new master, and she fits the bill.
Oh yea, one other thing....shes not the only one. Star Wars Rebels also introduced Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger, two other survivors of Order 66., who would also be alive at the time of Episode 7, being only 67 and 53. And again given they are main character on a kids show....they got a pretty good chance of survival.
Then we get to the Inquisitorius .....these are a secret group of dark side force users kept by Emperor Palpatine, who also obviously not only survived the purge, but were helping Vader carry it out.
So unless some new expanded universe books start killing these people off, any of them, especially Ahoska would seem primed to show up in Episode 8 and 9....assuming they havnt already. After all Jarrus and Bridger are both were many of the is Supreme Leader Snoke, a force user who at the moment appears to come out of no where. or did he?
But I did give this spot primary to Ahoska, simply because she is the most popular, not based in the original EU, non movie character Disney has right i figure they will want to capitalized on that and bring her into the movies at some point.
2) Bothans
"Many Bothans died to bring us this information."―Mon Mothma, refering to the second Death Star Plans before the Battle of Endor in Episode 6
Yet despite that line, weve never actually SEEN a Bothan. Which is kinda odd, given that they are one of the only species to be explicitly named in the movies. They did get a physical appearance and multiple characters in the original expanded universe...but none of that survived the Disney buy out. So Bothans could look like anything now.
And given that they kinda are the one "mystery" species of the original trilogy, and never showed up in the prequels either.....well it would be kinda nice to see one and finally solve the mystery. I dont know if a Bothan will play a major role, but I assume one will be tossed in at some point, as an Easter egg to fans if nothing else.
1) Lando Calrissian
So did you notice who DIDNT make it into the force awakens? Now to be honest, on the one hand I wasnt particularly bothered by this, I dont think there would be a plot purpose for him.
Yea, that guy got a phone call and an appearance in episode 7......but they couldnt be bothered with even mentioning Lando's name at any point during the film.
Here's a list of the 10 things, places and people, that will I hope or assume be in the next two episodes, ranked in the order of how likely I think they are to make an appearance.
Now far waring, Spoilers for episode 7 DO follow, and not just the obvious ones (as in everything on this list isnt in episode 7). Youve been warned.
10) TIE Defender
Of all the things on this list, this is probably the least likely, mostly because I would bet this the one thing on this list only real die hard extended universe fans have heard of.
Ok so way way way back in the day(early 90's), one of the first star wars games was a game called TIE FIGHTER, in which you got to play an imperial pilot flying a variety of Imperial spacecraft. Problem was, by the movie standards the Imperial spacecraft were rather limited. So the game had to invent some, one of those being the TIE Defender.
In game, the TIE Defender was supposed to be the most advanced and strongest TIE variant, but is still in the prototype phase. Unlike the TIE Fighters shown in the movie, the Defender used a 3 wing design, and each one of those wings sported a pair of cannons 4 laser cannons and two ion cannons (so can disable electronics), and also had two missile launchers.

Also notably the TIE Defender had Shields and Warp Drives two things missing from you basic TIE fighter. The in universe explanation for the lack of these features on most Imperial Starfighter was that the Empire had had enough troops to consider pilots basically expendable, so only the most advanced craft and important pilots have shields and warp drive.
Now fast forward to the Episode 7 universe. Its been 30 years since Endor, even the Imperial remnants should have moved on from your basic TIE fighters, even if they did add Shields and Warp drives (as confirmed by some of the official books) as they no longer have a limitless supply of pilots or the capitol ships needed to transport their fighters.
Basically this thing seems to have designed for something like the First Order in mind, an advanced TIE with Warp and Shields, and from a real world point of view it would allow the new trilogy to actually achieve a look of time passing and technology advancing while also still looking like classic and familiar star wars tech, akin to what they did with the redesigned stormtroopers.
Its also worth noting the TIE Defender appeared in the star wars mobile game "Star Wars: Commander" which is current cannon, which means officially this thing exists. Except the game released in 2014, so likely too late for Episode 7....but not 8 or 9.
9) Y-Wings/A-Wings
So kinda like the TIE Defender, this entry is here partly for reasons of diversifying the fleets in the new trilogy. Unlike the Defender though, both of these ships have already appears in movies, with the Y-Wing being in ALL 3 of the original Trilogy and the A-Wing appearing in Episode 6.
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Y-wing stripped of its hull circa Battle of Yavin |
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Y-Wing with intact hull from the Clone Wars era |
However the new Cannon seems to have reversed this, having introduced the A-Wing, but not the X-wing (yet) to the Star Wars Rebels TV Show, which takes place prior to Episode 4. In other words its now possible the X-wing is officially the A-wings replacement as a fighter and not the other way around, presumably with A-wings only being a Endor because of how much the Rebels needed every ship they could get....even the obsolete ones (as they used Y wings as well)
However a 3rd possibility exists, the Y X and A wings have appeared alongside each other in multiple games. Almost universally those games have the Y wing in the bomber role, the A wing in the role of interceptor/air to air combat, and the X wing taking a middle ground between the two. As this balance is also reflected in current cannon games, its also possible the A-wing serves a different and unique role from the X-wing....a role it likely can still fill in Episodes 7-9
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A-Wing |
8) TIE Bomber/TIE Interceptor/B-Wing
Basically all 3 of these things are here for the same reason as the TIE Defender and the Y-wing/A-Wing entries, so show some diversity and improves to their respective fleets over the last 30 years. The difference is, all 3 of these ships not only exist in the films but are confirmed (as of the end of Episode 6) even in the new cannon to be the modern/in service of their respective roles (unlike the Y and possibly A wings)
The TIE Bomber was first seen (briefly) in Episode 5, intended to be the star wars equivalent to real air force Bombers in the same way the TIE fighter was the analog of real fighercraft.
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TIE Bomber |
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TIE Interceptor |
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B-Wing in attack form |
7) Coruscant
You know, the [former?] galactic capitol. Given the clusterfuck that is the universes politics (see my review for more information) its probably important to know who actually holds this planet, as it was the galactic capitol for a few million years.
So whoever holds this planet has a pretty good claim to being the "legitimate" government of the galaxy. Given that, taking it would likely be a top priority for the First Order and whatever is left of the New Republic.....if for no other reason than to delegitimize the other.
Plus, its highly likely that any high ranking or ruling class members of the Empire who werent on the Second Death Star when it blew up, were on Coruscant....and likely they want to return to power and with the destruction of at least a good chunk of the New Republic, well if there is going to be an internal rebellion against the Resistance, this is likely where its going to start.
Also by the way, should be noted as seen in the post 2004 versions of episode VI, the Jedi Temple is still there, although it was converted to the Imperial Place, however given Palpatines true identity as a Sith Lord, its likely a lot of the information and relics were kept intact....which might be of interest to Snoke and Kylo Ren.....or Luke and Rey (as the jedi temple luke was claimed to be looking for on whatever planet he was on seems to be a pile of rubble).
So yea, pretty much all the factions in the series have a reason to be making a beeline to this planet right now, so im sure at somepoint someone is going to make it there.
6) AT-AT/AT-ST/Speeder Bike/Tank
Because if your going to fight a war on a planet, your going to need ground vehicles. Sure there is the crashed AT-AT on Jakku but really there should be more ground vehicles around. Cause its not exactly believable that the First Order can afford to build the Starkiller, but doesnt have the money for a few dozen or so AT-ST's

By the same token, youd figure the Resistance and the New Republic would have highly invested in ground vehicles, given at least one of the them is the official government now and the other is funded by it.....
5) The New Republic
Like I said in my review of the movie, the galactic politics are SHIT. There is basically no believable way the New Republic was still small enough to be taken out in a single shot after 30 years.
Could the Senate have been wiped out? Sure probably....but youd assume then that once they got chain of command straightened out, the New Republic is going to come after the First Order with all the military might they have right? Just saying by any kind of logic the New Republic should be a major as pissed off factor in Episode 8 and 9.
4) Mon Calamari Cruisers
Yet another vehicles and for the same purpose as the others.....SOMETHING has to be filing the role of capital ship.
Now in fairness to the movie, the did actually have a couple members of a new class of star destroyers, and it believable they have more so the first order is actually covered on this one.
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The new Resurgent Class Star Destroyers |
The problem is, its also said in the movie that 3 dozen or so X-wings make up the whole the Resistance's fleet. Which is honestly pretty unbelievable in the first place, that the Resistance couldt afford or want capitol ships, if for no other reasons than to combat the Star Destroyers. And even if by some miracle the Resistance was in fact that tactically stupid, the New Republic should have a shit of ton of capitol ships laying around.....and like I said, they should be coming for blood.
I mean SOMETHING had to happen to the Rebel Capital ships (AKA Mon Calamari Cruiser) seen in the original trilogy? or are we to believe that both the Resistance and the New Republic are actually that tactically and militarily stupid as to get rid of them even when they know the First Order is still out there with their own capitol ships?
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Remember this thing from Episode 6? the Rebel Capital ships? whered it go |
3) Ahsoka Tano/Purge Survivors
I know, the number #3 spot and most of my readers just went "who?" She was the main character of the Clone Wars TV Show and now of the Star Wars Rebel's TV show.....both of which are still considered cannon.
So shes basically the most popular character from the new expanded universe. And theres actually a decent chance shes still alive (shes implied to be alive and under an alias after the events of Episode 6 by the book Aftermath)...shed be about 70 years old by episode 7. And given that shes an alien, that might not be as old as you think. She could be young by her species standards
But WHO is she? Well she's a Jedi Knight, who like Obi Wan and Yoda survived the Purge....and a co-founder of the Rebellion, along with Bail Organa, the adoptive father of Princess Leia
Oh and shes not just ANY Jedi Knight....shes the former Padawan of Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker...and she knows who he later became.
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Ahoska Tano, just a couple years before Episode 4 |
Also worth noting this makes her a more experience and better trained Jedi than Luke Skywalker......which might start to matter if, as I suspect Luke doesnt survive episode 8, the Jedi are going to need a new leader/Rey will need a new master, and she fits the bill.
Oh yea, one other thing....shes not the only one. Star Wars Rebels also introduced Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger, two other survivors of Order 66., who would also be alive at the time of Episode 7, being only 67 and 53. And again given they are main character on a kids show....they got a pretty good chance of survival.
Then we get to the Inquisitorius .....these are a secret group of dark side force users kept by Emperor Palpatine, who also obviously not only survived the purge, but were helping Vader carry it out.
So unless some new expanded universe books start killing these people off, any of them, especially Ahoska would seem primed to show up in Episode 8 and 9....assuming they havnt already. After all Jarrus and Bridger are both were many of the is Supreme Leader Snoke, a force user who at the moment appears to come out of no where. or did he?
But I did give this spot primary to Ahoska, simply because she is the most popular, not based in the original EU, non movie character Disney has right i figure they will want to capitalized on that and bring her into the movies at some point.
2) Bothans
"Many Bothans died to bring us this information."―Mon Mothma, refering to the second Death Star Plans before the Battle of Endor in Episode 6
Yet despite that line, weve never actually SEEN a Bothan. Which is kinda odd, given that they are one of the only species to be explicitly named in the movies. They did get a physical appearance and multiple characters in the original expanded universe...but none of that survived the Disney buy out. So Bothans could look like anything now.
And given that they kinda are the one "mystery" species of the original trilogy, and never showed up in the prequels either.....well it would be kinda nice to see one and finally solve the mystery. I dont know if a Bothan will play a major role, but I assume one will be tossed in at some point, as an Easter egg to fans if nothing else.
1) Lando Calrissian
So did you notice who DIDNT make it into the force awakens? Now to be honest, on the one hand I wasnt particularly bothered by this, I dont think there would be a plot purpose for him.
On the other hand, it turns out they didnt even call Billy Dee Williams (the actor who played Lando) to see if he wanted to be in the movie. Which kinda does annoy me given that they called Dennis Lawson (who turned them down) Tim Rose and Mike Quinn, AKA Wedge, Ackbar and Nein Numb to see if they wanted to be in the movie.
And I realize most of you just went "who the fuck is Nein Numb?"
And I realize most of you just went "who the fuck is Nein Numb?"
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That guy, the Alien next to Lando who helped pilot the Falcon in Episode 6 |
Now while I admit I never saw Lando as being in the same tier of importance as Leia, Luke and Han....hes right up there with Chewie and the Droids man, youd think they could have gotten him in somewhere.
Then again, in real life the character of Lando was created after Harrison Ford basically told Lucas he had no interest in doing the final film, as he thought his character was all played out. So Lando was designed to be "alternative han solo". And now that Han's dead......well between that, the number of people like me who are generally irritated he wasnt even invited into the movie and the people who see it as racist (claiming that star wars apparently only allow for 1 black character per trilogy) i'd say its a pretty sure bet Lando will be back in Episode 8.
Then again, in real life the character of Lando was created after Harrison Ford basically told Lucas he had no interest in doing the final film, as he thought his character was all played out. So Lando was designed to be "alternative han solo". And now that Han's dead......well between that, the number of people like me who are generally irritated he wasnt even invited into the movie and the people who see it as racist (claiming that star wars apparently only allow for 1 black character per trilogy) i'd say its a pretty sure bet Lando will be back in Episode 8.
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