Top 40 Video games Part 1: Bronze Tier (40-33)

So this is something I've wanted to do for a while, rank the best video games of all time. And given its E3 this week, this seemed like the prefect opportunity to start.

Now to be clear, this is a completely objective list, and not at all opinion. So if you disagree with any of my picks or rankings, its because you have horrible taste is video games.

No of course not, this, like all lists of this time is 100% my opinion.

Now a couple of things before we get started

First, I only really play single player or couch co-ops, so only those options are considered in this ranking. Meaning if you came here looking for World of Warcraft or any other MMO, you might be a bit disappointed.

And this list obviously caters to the games I like, which generally speaking are RPG's and Action/Adventure games. Now that doesnt mean other genres wont appear, but again if your expecting a list full of Madden NFL, NBA2k, Resident Evil, Call of Duty or Mortal Kombat this aint the list for you.

Also note I play video games for fun, so thats how they are ranked, by fun I think the game is. This may mean some of my choices may not have the best graphics or the tightest controls or most logically laid out UI's. Also for me, usually (though not exclusively) a fun game has a solid plot and developed characters. So again not too likely to see many games with no plot on this list.

Also, as I know many of these games have either been remade or available on multiple consoles, and that the version and console can something affect the gameplay and how good the game is, I will be listing the console I played the game on, if it was a remaster or not.

To that end, the consoles I've owned in my life are Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, 3DS (which allows DS games to be played), N64, GameCube, Wii, XBOX 360, PS4 and PC. So any game that isnt playable on those systems, isnt on the list. |

Lastly, there are some big name games that appear on lots of these lists that wont make this one. This includes any GTA game, Any Half Life game, Any Metal Gear Solid game, any Final Fantasy game and Diablo II. And thats because I've never played any of them, and with a couple exceptions (GTA IV and FF IX) dont have any plans to.

Also missing from this list will be Witcher 3, Fallout 3, Far Cry 3, any Bioshock game, Assassins Creed II, Skyrim and Horizon Zero Dawn. However unlike the first list, I actually do own all of them, I just either havnt had a chance to play them yet, or get far enough where I'm comfortable to place them on this list. I expect once I'm done with all of them that a couple of them might make a future version of this list (assuming I had plans on making one...I dont)

Finally, just to get this out of the way early, Red Dead Redemption wont be on the list either....I've played it, until I got bored with it and moved on. Dont get me too wrong, its still a good game and I can see why people like it, but I think it got overhyped to the point it cant live up to expectations unless you happen to LOVE that style of game.

So with all that out of the way, lets get started with the first chunk of the Top 40 video games of all time. Why 40? Cause its my list and I'll pick whatever number I want!

40) Epic Mickey (2010) Wii

Its a dark gritty Mickey Mouse game. No really, you play is a dystopian version of the Magic Kingdom, that was actually destroyed by Mickey. While trying to escape it, you have the choice to either erase inhabitants and objects from existence, and make things more dystopian (with Thinner) or bring more objects and people into existence and make things less dystopian (with Paint). Though even less dystopian winds up being a bit dark....consider some of the major missions include trying to reassemble the pieces of Goofy and Donald Duck. At its heart though, its actually a puzzle/platforming game, and you will need to use both paint and thinner to solve the puzzles and even to platform (either by creating a new platform or removing an obstruction). Also each boss battle (for each of the sections in the magic kingdom) has both a "good" and "evil" way to win, which is pretty cool. The game even has a good and bad overall ending. Also you move between sections of the park though film reels, which are 2D platforming levels based on the old black and white mickey mouse cartoons, which is pretty cool.

Granted, the games camera is a bit a of a pain, and the lack of permanence (leaving an area returns it to its default semi dystopian state)  kills off a lot of the immersion, but if you do want a decent platformer, that also happens to have a VERY unique take on Disney and mickey, this is the game for you.

39) Donkey Kong 64 (1999) N64

Outside of what has to be one of the best songs of any video game period (hell it still shows up in Smash Brothers 18 years later) its basically 5 platforming games in one, as each of the 5 Kongs has their own path through every level, each has their own gun and mobility device, as well as unique attacks and abilities...which in short means you have to play every level basically 5 times to get everything. And all 5 characters do a great job of displaying unique personalities and traits. Lastly for the time, the game looked really least compared to the versions of DK in Smash.

In fact, my only criticism of the game is I never got to finish it (if I had it would probably be a lot higher on this list).  I got about half way through and got completely stuck on a part where you need to beat the classic DK arcade game, and at the time (around 13 or so) I didnt have the skills needed get past it. So I just gave up. Then my N64 got stolen so I never got a chance to finish....but the half I played was amazing and I like Lanky Kong to this day.

38) Oregon Trail II (1995) PC

Dont think I have to say much about this one.....seriously is there anyone who didnt play this growing up?

This game had a bit of everything....shooting/hunting, needing to plan out your journey and preparations, and replayability out the wahzoo that most open world games today would kill for, due to the random events that could happen or the different choices you could make on paths to get to Oregon, time of year you left, fording rivers ect. Best of all it was "educational" so your parents and even your school would be cool with you playing it. Also, lesser know perhaps is it spawned a whole group of spin offs...Yukon Trail was probably my personal favorite, but I'd be lying if I said I didnt have better memories of this one.

I'd say more, but my Oxen just died...and little Annies caught cholera so I have to go.

37) The Last Story (2011) Wii

This is an interesting pick for basically this is a very stereotypical JRPG...and generally I dont like JRPG's (Spoiler, this is the only pure JRPG on this whole list). I even admit this was a total and out of character impulse buy for me...I bought it cause it was rare so I wanted it....not cause I expected to like it

I think the reason I like this one is much of the needless complexity of most JRPG's is gone its actually a pretty linear leveling up system, and a simplified (by JRPG standards) armor and weapon system. Also given that you cant create your own character, the customization options are actually pretty insane, not only can you pick the colors of your gear, you can remove the individual parts of each piece, which if your like me and kinda picky about how your character looks is awesome. Like you just got some new awesome armor pants...but they have this stupid ass over the top winged hip plates that look ridiculous. So remove them. Or maybe that new chest piece would look awesome without the high collar. Take it off.  And the best part is, removing the sub pieces of the armor doesnt change the abilities at all....its purely cosmetic, so its really easy if you want to create a unique look and style for every character in your party. Also the game is pseudo open world....there is a hub that you can access as specific points that gives side quests, but the game also plays through primarily on linear chapters. allowing for a much more complex and full playing in the "sandbox" is at best secondary to the main story and not the point of the game like in all open world games. And on yea...might also be the best looking game on the Wii.

So yea, solid story, armor customization options I wish other games would rip off and a good (if standard JRPG) story. Its a shame North America had to fight to get this game and that so few copies (a few hundred thousand)  were made so its a bit pricey and hard to find. At the moment a new copy goes for $85 on Amazon, used is $30-$45. Newly released games might go for that used, and this game is 6 years old

36) Legend of Zelda: Windwaker. (2002) GameCube

Confession time I've never actually beaten this game. In fact, with a single exception (which will be coming up later on in the list SPOILER) I've never beaten a Zelda game.  Honestly because they are just too damn long to hold my attention. I've gotten about halfway though the game, switched over to something else (which I often do on games, as a way to take a break for a few days) and by the time I come back, I cant remember shit. No idea what I've already done, or am supposed to do, where to go, or what islands hold chests I can now access. But its still a fun fact I made my most recent attempt to beat it about 4 months ago....and the graphics still hold up (score one for cell shading). Story is pretty good...but I think if I bought a Wii U i'd switch to that version if for no other reason than to speed up the sailing...jeez that takes FOREVER.  Still it stands the test of time, and is still a really fun puzzle game...and while long seems much less complex and less need to ingrain yourself in the lore with more direction than other Zelda games, so thats a win

35) Super Paper Mario (2007) Wii

I actually really enjoyed the gimmick of changing from 2D to 3D here, because it constantly requires you to change the way you to change the way you think when approaching platforms and moving place to place, which gets even more complicated when you gain the ability to change characters as they all have their own movement styles and ways to reach locations none of the others can.  Also the game in no way really takes it self seriously, which makes it pretty enjoyable and some great one liners. Usually if you want comedy mario games, people direct you to the Mario and Luigi series, and while those are funny, I honestly think this is better if your looking for a "fun" Mario. Now in the negative column of lots of reviews they will mention that the game looks good in 2D but looks kinda barren and void of anything when switched to 3D. I actually consider that a plus....after all the world is SUPPOSED to be 2D, 3D doesnt exist in this world outside of the magic you it kinda makes sense a 3D world would be barren and ugly....your literally warping the way the world is seen when changing dimensions, so I actually think leaving the 3D view of the world barren is a nice touch.

34) Monkey Island 1/2 (1990/1991) PC

Ok so I have a confession to make, I played both of these games as a kid, and enjoyed the hell out of both of them.....but I dont actually remember which parts I enjoyed belonged to which game, so they are going to have to share this entry. As mentioned above, I do enjoy games that dont take themselves seriously....and really Monkey Island wrote the book on that. Also the puzzles are pretty cool, given they appear to be made from randomly using objects together....until you solve it and then it all makes sense. And the "insult fighting"? Thats hilarious. Even as a very young child (I played these games when they were first released...and spoiler alert they are the oldest games on the list) I enjoyed the game, and I'm sure about 75% of the jokes went directly over my head (Alright I admit it, I may have spent as much time playing with the anit piracy pirate dial as the actual game). In fact, just the other day I managed to buy both these games (and the Tales from Monkey Island) and I'm looking forward to playing them again...and beating them for the first time (what I was 5....they were hard games back then). Anyways I have more to say.....BUT LOOK BEHIND YOU A THREE HEADED MONKEY!

33)  Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 (2002) PC

I love roller coasters. I'm also scared of heights so I wont ride many of them in real life, they look amazing. So a game that lets me make my own? SIGN ME UP.  That said, this is one of the few games in my life where I would pick graphics over other issues. The simple fact is the scenarios in the first game as more varied than the ones in the second. Many of the scenarios in the second game are a bit boring too tell the truth. But the second game incorporates scenery into the rides, allows scenery to be stacked up or elevated, both of which are key to making the amusement park look like a modern amusement park...the ones in the first game just look barren, or at least the rides you build for it do. And given that the point of playing these games is to pretend to have my own amusement park, looks matter. Enough to give the second game the spot anyways.

So that wraps up part one of the 40 greatest games of all time, the next 8 games making up the Silver Tier should be up if there's a game your looking for or expecting, either assume its still to come or you have horrible taste in games...either/or :P


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