Best Pokemon Starter of every Generation
So everyone who plays Pokemon knows the first major choice you have to make is your Starter.
Now not only is your starter pokemen 1 of 3 pokemon who cant be found anywhere else in the game, not only does your starter have better than normal base stat's, your starter can literally affect the make up of your entire team. For example if you pick the water type, you suddenly find yourself with no real reason to catch about 50% of the pokemon in the game (who are all water types). Where as if you pick the fire type, your likely going to need a steel or rock type on the team (fire tends to be "glass cannon" attackers, so you need a pokemon type with good defense).
And of course, your starter can even affect the games difficulty, especially at the beginning where it mattered the most. For example in Gen 1, the Grass Starter had type advantage against the first two gyms and a slight advantage resisting the 3rd, the Water starter had the type advantage against the first gym, no advantage or disadvantage to the second gym, and a weakness to the 3rd. The fire starter then had a type disadvantage in the first 2 gyms, and no advantage or disadvantage in the 3rd.
Also and prehaps most importantly, your starter pokemon is basically your first introduction into the world of Pokemon, or at least that generation, so many of your first impressions will be due to that choice.
Now of course, with Pokemon Sun and Moon coming out, its time once again to choose a new starter...but before we do that, lets take a look back at my favorite Starters of each generation. (now for the sake of this list, only starters from new regions will be considered, as in the case of ALL remakes, my favorite starter didnt actually change from the original game)
Generation 1:
Now not only is your starter pokemen 1 of 3 pokemon who cant be found anywhere else in the game, not only does your starter have better than normal base stat's, your starter can literally affect the make up of your entire team. For example if you pick the water type, you suddenly find yourself with no real reason to catch about 50% of the pokemon in the game (who are all water types). Where as if you pick the fire type, your likely going to need a steel or rock type on the team (fire tends to be "glass cannon" attackers, so you need a pokemon type with good defense).
And of course, your starter can even affect the games difficulty, especially at the beginning where it mattered the most. For example in Gen 1, the Grass Starter had type advantage against the first two gyms and a slight advantage resisting the 3rd, the Water starter had the type advantage against the first gym, no advantage or disadvantage to the second gym, and a weakness to the 3rd. The fire starter then had a type disadvantage in the first 2 gyms, and no advantage or disadvantage in the 3rd.
Also and prehaps most importantly, your starter pokemon is basically your first introduction into the world of Pokemon, or at least that generation, so many of your first impressions will be due to that choice.
Now of course, with Pokemon Sun and Moon coming out, its time once again to choose a new starter...but before we do that, lets take a look back at my favorite Starters of each generation. (now for the sake of this list, only starters from new regions will be considered, as in the case of ALL remakes, my favorite starter didnt actually change from the original game)
Generation 1:
I mean, it is my favorite pokemon ever, so no one should be surprised by this really. Basically I like Blastoise because the water types tend to be the most versatile moveset wise, and most well rounded stat wise. Surf makes getting around the map so much easier, and Ice Beam lets it cut down the almighty (prior to gen 6) dragons and even gives it the edge on Venusaur, who should have the type advantage over it.
Generation 2:
Generation 2:
Got to be honest, this one was INCREDIBLY tight between Typhlosion and Feraligatr. I had to give it to Typhlosion because hes been fun to play as in both Gen 2 and the Gen 4 remakes, where as Feraligatr didnt really come into his own until the Physical/Special split in Gen4, finally allowing him to use his massive attack stat with water type moves.
Ironically that same split hurt Typhlosion, as his Thunderpunch ability (which gives him a big edge over Feraligatr, especially with Typhlosions higher speed) is now governed by his lower (but still honestly above average) attack skill, and not his impressive Special Attack.
Plus, Typhlosion is a pure fire type.....which doesnt seem impressive, until you consider as far as starters go....he's the only one. In 20 years, and 7 generations of Pokemon every other fire type was given some kind of dual typing (and thereby more weaknesses, as the STAB advantage often overlapped with STAB the fire typing already gave it, for example Fire and Flying (Charizards typing) both have advantages over bug and grass....meaning the only thing Charizard gets the advantage on with its flying type is fighting, and defensively doubles its rock weakness to x4, and picks up electric weakness for immunity to ground, so its not helped much by being flying)
So yea for being able to stand out as unique and not duplicated for 20 years, I have to give the nod to Typhlosion
Generation 3:
Ironically that same split hurt Typhlosion, as his Thunderpunch ability (which gives him a big edge over Feraligatr, especially with Typhlosions higher speed) is now governed by his lower (but still honestly above average) attack skill, and not his impressive Special Attack.
Plus, Typhlosion is a pure fire type.....which doesnt seem impressive, until you consider as far as starters go....he's the only one. In 20 years, and 7 generations of Pokemon every other fire type was given some kind of dual typing (and thereby more weaknesses, as the STAB advantage often overlapped with STAB the fire typing already gave it, for example Fire and Flying (Charizards typing) both have advantages over bug and grass....meaning the only thing Charizard gets the advantage on with its flying type is fighting, and defensively doubles its rock weakness to x4, and picks up electric weakness for immunity to ground, so its not helped much by being flying)
So yea for being able to stand out as unique and not duplicated for 20 years, I have to give the nod to Typhlosion
Generation 3:
Swampert |
Just like Typhlosion, this was a race between this one and Sceptile, though Swampert has a HUGE advantage....its part ground type. Not only does this give it access to STAB earthquake, but it totally removes one of its two weaknesses, at the cost of doubling the remaining...but that still basically means its only weak to grass. Oh, and did we mention its one of only two Ground types (the other being Geodude) available before fighting the electric type gym leader? Or that their is no grass gmy/ elite 4 member in Hoenn? so this thing has the advantage or is neutral against ALL gym leaders and elite 4? Also in Ruby/Omega Ruby, its got the type advantage over the villainous team as well as they use alot of fire types (though in fairness the same is true in Sapphire/AS for sceptile)
So yea, basically not weak to any of the games bosses, and the least number of weakness for any final form starter gives you one giant bad ass starter.
Though I have to allow for one caveat, I have never played with Blaziken and never will (as Blaziken is my least favorite pokemon ever) so its possible Blaziken is better than Swampert and I just dont know. However I have used Combusken in the past, and Marshtomp is better than him, so I doubt that changes.
Generation 4:
So yea, basically not weak to any of the games bosses, and the least number of weakness for any final form starter gives you one giant bad ass starter.
Though I have to allow for one caveat, I have never played with Blaziken and never will (as Blaziken is my least favorite pokemon ever) so its possible Blaziken is better than Swampert and I just dont know. However I have used Combusken in the past, and Marshtomp is better than him, so I doubt that changes.
Generation 4:
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ALL of them. |
Yes, its a 3 way tie, I cant pick one. The one thing Gen 4 did right in my opinion was the starters, they are all cool looking, all play well, all diverse, 2 of them have unique typings, and the 3rd (infernape) is the best of its type in the whole game Plus I like Pengins, turtles and monkeys. And when I do play Gen 4 games (which are my least favorite to be fair) Im as likely to pick any of yea its a tie.....and honestly thats a good thing, I wish all generations where like this.
Generation 5:
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Emboar |
To be honest, Emboar doesnt win on its own merits as much as Samurott is ugly (current my second least favorite starter design after Blaziken (although Incineroar might kick it down to 3rd)...but I will play with and acknowledge the existence of Samurott) and Seperior is possibly the most boring starter of all times to play with...I actually restarted Black when I used it because it bored me so much I just couldnt continue with it.
So yea...winner by default Emboar. Holy hell did all the Gen 5 starters suck or what? Worst starter generation.
So yea...winner by default Emboar. Holy hell did all the Gen 5 starters suck or what? Worst starter generation.
Generation 6:
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Chesnaught |
Kinda looks like a grass type blastoise, big tanky turtle kinda thing (yes i know its supposed to be a chipmunk, but look at the thing....thats a fuzzy turtle). And I like the fact something that looks like a freaking tank has access to fighting type, allowing it to hit hard as hell too. This thing takes hits well, and hits back hard (and with STAB coverage on most types), Really whats not to like?
though I do have to give a hat tip to Greninja and Delphox, this was another generation in which all 3 starters looked pretty damn good and it was a close race
though I do have to give a hat tip to Greninja and Delphox, this was another generation in which all 3 starters looked pretty damn good and it was a close race
Generation 7:
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Decidueye |
Hey....I did say EVERY generation didnt I? and since I just bought my copy of Pokemon Sun, I do feel qualified to make this call.....admittedly its the softest call yet. Basically I picked Rowlet as my starter cause its a cute owl, and Grass/Flying combinations have always appealed to me (i like Tropius and Jumpluff as well). And Grass/Ghost as it becomes in its final form is also pretty cool, and since I dont trade, I've never used any of the other pokemon with this type, so it will be a new experience.
Lastly, its based on an archer, and I used to teach archery. Also Hawkeye is my favorite basically this thing is a giant cup of YES.
And what i've found on its stats suggest its got good attack and special attack skills, and also good special defense, and that mixed with the immunity it gets as a ghost type, make it another pokemon that can both give and take a beating...which makes it least at first glace.
Obviously, it might fall short as I get into the game (it is cursed with the limted move variety of most grass types) but for now its a clear winner
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